Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual
Page 271

Chapter 8
Basic Mixing in Soundtrack Pro
As the diagram shows, the new MusicReverb bus represents an alternate version of the
Music track audio signal. Once created, this bus appears as a row in the Timeline and a
channel strip in the Mixer. It becomes a resource to draw from during the final mix.
Rather than having to tweak the effects settings of individual tracks in the mix, you can
simply adjust the volume fader on the MusicReverb bus to increase or decrease the
amount of reverb on that music track.
By default, new sends are pre-fader sends. This means the signal is tapped before the
track’s output fader. In this example, if you used the default pre-fader send setting,
adjusting the Volume slider on the Music track would have no effect on the music level
in the MusicReverb bus.
In contrast, a post-fader send taps the track signal after a track’s output fader. You can
change a send to a post-fader send.
To make a send a post-fader send:
Click the disclosure triangle for the send in the Effects tab, then select the On button
next to Post-Fader.
In the post-fader case, adjusting the Volume slider on the Music track would have a
direct effect on the music level in the MusicReverb bus.
Pre-fader send
Submix bus
Audio clip
Volume fader
Submix bus
Post-fader send
Audio clip
Volume fader