Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual

Page 559

background image



saving items

actions as AppleScript droplets 248
audio file projects 244–247
audio file projects with video 245
audio files 246–247
default locations 112
file formats supported 246
layouts 68
multitrack projects 111
multitrack projects and files 419–420
preferences 98
rendering files 246
scratch locations 112
Sound Palette presets 181

scale type 533
Scale Type pop-up menu 53
scale, musical 90
SCART connector 484
scoring markers 185, 185–187
scratch locations 98, 112
Script Editor 248

actions 248
after export scripts 417
custom actions 417
processing Final Cut Pro audio 422, 425

scroll bars 40, 128
scrollwheels 98
Scrub tool 165, 200, 253

described 200
keyboard shortcuts 201
projects 77

SD Video devices 498
SDI format 483
SDTI (Serial Digital Transport Interface) 484
Search database 86–87
Search field 88
Search Results list 53
Search tab 52–53, 81–87
search tags 522
Search Text field 53, 82
searches, keyword 52–53
searching. See
finding items
segments 170–173
selecting items

action selections 231
all clips on tracks 149
amplifiers 496
audio clips 147–148
audio equipment 487
audio files in File Editor 202–205
busses 136
channel strips 276
channels 213
Cycle Region 397

Cycle Region links 200
displaying selections in Timeline 446
envelope points 357
envelope selection mode 359
forward or backward in tracks 150
frequency ranges 218
keyboard shortcuts 459
moving between selections 205
objects in Tracks tab 138
parts of audio files 164
portions of clips 174
speakers 496
submixes 136
takes in Multitake Editor 254
Timeslice tool and 149, 151, 164, 174, 359
tracks 136
video 323
while scrubbing 201
zero crossings and 205

Selection Length value slider 37, 39
Selection tool 147, 164, 208, 253
self-powered speakers 497
semitones 188
sending files (post-export actions) 416

adding to tracks 349
automating 363
busses and 124, 350
bypassing 351
channel strips 286–287
envelopes and 363
pan position 351
post-fader sends 271, 287
pre-fader sends 271
realtime effects and 349–351
reordering 287, 351
settings 287
turning on/off 287
volume level 350
working with 270–272

Separate Mixer and Video command 275
separating channels 122
separators in Toolbar 70
serial device control 502
Serial Digital Interface (SDI) 483
Serial Digital Transport Interface (SDTI) 484
Set Ambient Noise Print command 227
Set Equalization Print command 228
Set Noise Print command 225
setting up system. See system setup
Setup button 53
shelf filters 335
shortcut menus 71, 89
Show pop-up menu 40, 379, 381, 383
Show/Hide Presets button 220
shuttling through clips 130