Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual
Page 90

Chapter 3
Setting Up Soundtrack Pro
Bin Column Information
The following list describes the contents of the various Bin columns. Many Bin columns
change their display style to match the settings of the dominant ruler (such as drop
frame, non-drop frame, and so on). Much of this information can also be seen in the
Details tab.
 Name: Displays the icon and name for the various objects (projects, files, clips,
markers, and podcast marker regions).
 Position: Displays the position of the object, in the dominant ruler setting. Displays
values for projects, clips, markers, and podcasts. Some items do not have a position.
Others do not always display a position. (For example, a multitrack document only
shows the position when the Initial Timecode value in the Project tab has been
changed from the default 0 value.)
 Duration: Displays the duration information for projects, files, clips, markers, and
 Track name: Lists the current track name for audio clips.
 Offset: Shows the slip offset value: the difference between the start of the original
file and the start of the clip (using the dominant ruler setting). Clips that start from
the beginning show 0; others have a positive time value.
 Sample rate: Shows the native sample rate of the item, in Hz (projects, files, and clips).
 Timecode: This is the embedded timecode of the file, if present (in the dominant
ruler setting). Displays the initial timecode for items (projects, files, clips).
 Channels: The number of channels in the item (files, clips)
 Takes: The number of takes in the item (files, clips)
 File size: The disk size of the item (projects, files)
 Path: The path to the item on disk (projects, files)
 Annotation: Displays annotation metadata (projects, files, clips).
 Author: Displays author metadata (projects, files, clips).
 Copyright: Displays copyright metadata (projects, files, clips).
 Tempo: The tempo of the item, in beats per minute (projects, files, clips)
 Time Signature: Displays time signature data (projects, files, clips).
 Key: Displays the musical key of the item, being the letter (A, A#, B, and so on), or
“None” (projects, files, clips).
 Scale: Displays musical scale type (projects, files, clips).
 Looping: Indicates a looping file (Yes/No) (files, clips).
 Beats: Displays the number of beats in the file (projects, files, clips).
 Instrument: Displays instrument type, from Apple Loop tagged information (files, clips).
 Genre: Displays genre name, from Apple Loop tagged information (files, clips).
 Hint Quality: Displays the quantitative display of the amount of information saved in
the file—keywords, beat information, and transients (files, clips).