Exporting podcasts, Exporting audio podcasts – Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual

Page 387

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Chapter 14

Creating Podcasts in Soundtrack Pro


To remove an image from a podcast:


Select the marker region in the podcast track.


Choose Episode Image from the Image Source pop-up menu.

The image is removed and no image is displayed for that marker region.

Note: Enhanced podcasts (using still images) and video podcasts are mutually
exclusive. Information for enhanced and video podcasts can co-exist in your multitrack
project, but you must choose one or the other when you export. See “



,” next, for more information.

Exporting Podcasts

After you have completed editing and mixing your project, including adding any
podcast-specific enhancements such as images, chapter markers, or web links, you are
ready to export your podcast.

Compression is an important step in exporting any audio or video podcast file. While it
is technically possible to distribute a podcast using standard (uncompressed) file
formats, it is not very practical nor very common. That’s because podcast files inevitably
encounter bandwidth bottlenecks as they travel to the far reaches of the Internet. So,
when it comes to podcasting, small is beautiful.

Exporting Audio Podcasts

Almost all audio-only podcasts use one of two compressed formats: AAC or MP3. In
fact, a podcast must use either the AAC or the MP3 format to be included in the iTunes
Store. AAC (also known as Advanced Audio Coding codec or MPEG-4/AAC) is a newer,
more efficient format. It provides more clarity than MP3 audio at the same bit rate with
smaller file sizes or files of the same size at higher quality.

For additional general information about exporting audio files see “

Exporting a Master

Mix to a Compressed Audio File

” on page 399.

The image for the podcast
chapter has been removed.