Index – Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual
Page 537

1/4" phone plug connectors 491
1/4" tip-ring-sleeve connectors 491
1/4" tip-sleeve connectors 491
1/8" mini connectors 490
3 dB attenuation 410
3rd-party applications 435–436
3rd-party effects 23
3rd-party interfaces
audio interfaces 486, 504
uses for 25
video interfaces 498
5.1 surround sound. See surround sound
48V phantom power supply 513
90° phase-shift options 410
1394a connectors 482
1394b connectors 483
A/B Last Two Actions command 234
AAC files 67, 79, 193, 387, 388, 404
AAC/Podcast files 398, 399, 401–404
AAF files
exporting 313
using in other applications 435–436
AC# output 311
AC-3 files 312, 398, 399, 407
ACID music application 519
Action Insert bar 62, 232
Action Insert bar 232
Actions tab 62
adjusting selections for 231
applying 180, 230
comparing 234
deleting 235
described 43, 230
displaying 44
droplets 248, 417
editing 231
file length and 235
flattening 233
limitations of 235
podcasts 390
post-export actions 378, 390, 416–417
processing effects as 328
rendering effects as 229, 329
rendering realtime effects 243–244
reordering 232
replacing 180
resampling and 229
scripting in File Editor 248
settings 231
turning on/off 231
working with in File Editor 230–235
Actions list 62, 230, 232–233
Actions pop-up menu 62
Actions tab 44, 62
adapters 498
See also specific adapter names
audio equipment 490–493
video equipment 477–484
ADAT Lightpipe connectors 493
Add Ambient Noise command 227
Add Effect button 60
Add Send button 60
Add Submix command 264
Add Take command 256
adding effects
to busses 144–145
to submixes 144–145
to channel strips 284
to tracks 144–145
Adjust Amplitude command 221
ADR (automatic dialogue replacement) 252
Advanced Audio Coding. See AAC files
AES/EBU connectors 493
AES/EBU digital audio channels 503
After Export pop-up menu 396, 416, 417
AIFF files 66, 79, 192, 212, 246, 312, 389, 398, 519–
AJA Io 478
alert preferences 98
aligning clips with markers 186
ambient noise, adding 227
amplifiers 26, 485, 496, 497