Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual

Page 181

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Chapter 5

Working in the Timeline


Actions appear in the target clip’s Actions tab for each property listed in the selected
template or preset in the Sound Palette. They appear in the same order as they appear
in the Sound Palette.

Note: By default, Soundtrack Pro applies equalization every time you use the Lift and
Stamp feature. This equalization automates the Match EQ effect, which matches the
average frequency spectrum of the target clip to that of the source clip.

When you first lift properties with the Lift tool, Soundtrack Pro creates a temporary
template in the Sound Palette named Lifted Data (Track Name), with Track Name being
the track holding the source clip.

To save a Sound Palette preset:


With a template loaded on the right of the Sound Palette, click Save as Preset in the
lower-right corner.

The template is listed as a preset on the left of the Sound Palette.

To enable or disable properties in a Sound Palette preset:


If there are already presets on the left of the Sound Palette, click the template or a
preset to edit it.


In the Enabled column, click the checkbox next to the property you want to enable or