Podcasting media production – Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual
Page 378

Chapter 14
Creating Podcasts in Soundtrack Pro
Podcasting Media Production
Producing podcasts has a lot in common with producing any other audio or video
program. Soundtrack Pro can help you with the audio production, editing, and mixing
steps as well as with some other tasks unique to podcasting.
There are two main ways to create podcasts:
 Take a Final Cut Pro project and create a podcast from it in Soundtrack Pro.
 Create a podcast from scratch in Soundtrack Pro.
Both of these scenarios involve some version of the following steps:
Step 1:
Record the sound (and video)
There are many different ways to record a podcast, ranging from one-person shows, to
conference calls, to live events on location, to studio recordings. You can record
multitrack and multichannel sound directly into Soundtrack Pro, or you can import
pre-recorded files.
Step 2:
Edit and mix the sound, video, and images
Soundtrack Pro gives you many specialized tools and powerful features that you can
use to create high-quality audio. And the ability to exchange projects and
information between Soundtrack Pro and Final Cut Pro makes video podcasting a
very streamlined process.
Step 3:
Podcast-specific editing and authoring
Podcasts range in complexity from a simple audio or video file to enhanced podcasts
with chapter markers and associated web links. Besides its many sophisticated audio
editing and mixing tools, Soundtrack Pro includes a dedicated podcast track for adding
chapter markers, URL links, and images.
Step 4:
Compress the audio (and video) files
Soundtrack Proincludes a robust set of export and compression options for both audio
and video podcasting. For complete information about exporting from Soundtrack Pro,
see Chapter 16, “
Step 5:
Upload the compressed files
Once your podcast is complete, you upload the file to your web host using a file
transfer protocol (FTP) utility.You can trigger post-export actions (AppleScript
documents) to do this automatically as a part of the export process. For more
information, see “