Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual
Page 556

moving to peaks 289
moving to specific times 73
positioning with Time ruler 133
preferences 98
scoring markers to 186–187
scrubbing audio 201
setting 72–74
splitting audio clips with 164, 171, 172, 173
spotting clips to 113, 153
synchronization 166, 195
Playhead Position value slider 37, 38, 44, 74
playing projects 71–78
Audio Units 23, 327
effects 21, 23
included with Soundtrack Pro 23
Stereo Spread 342
surround sound 311
unsupported 23
PNG files 384
podcast markers 379, 380, 381–384
Podcast pane 404
Podcast track 39, 379
podcasts 377–390
automating 390
chapter markers 381
chapters in 380
compression 387
Compressor and 389
enhanced 388
episodes 377, 384
exporting 387–389, 404
images in 384–387
importing markers from Final Cut Pro 383
post-export actions 390
slideshows in 385
uploading 378
workflow 378
pointing devices 98
pops 236
position controls 300
Position value slider 57, 59, 115, 380
positions of items in Bin 90
post-export actions 416
post-fader sends 271, 287
post-production 334, 422
power line hum 236
preamplifiers 494, 513
predelay time 339
Preemphasis slider 216
pre-fader sends 271
Apple Loops Utility 531
Recording 367
Soundtrack Pro 97–103
premapped controls 393
Preprocessing pane 409–410
Preserve Video option 389, 411
Preset pop-up menu 396
Compressor settings 412
deleting 182, 330
effects 330, 330–331
export presets 396, 418
noise reduction 226
saving 181
Sound Palette 179, 180
thumbnails of 182
Presets drawer 220, 330
preview controls 48, 51, 53, 54, 91–92
Preview on selection button 92
previewing items 91–92
files 91–93
noise reduction changes 226
preview file information 91–93
Previous frame button 77
Previous Selection button 39, 43, 205
problems. See analyzing audio
Process menu 219, 230, 328
processing audio
batch processing 422
files 219–229
scripts 425
processing effects
See also effects
advanced settings 353
applying 353
automation 354
overview 328
presets 330–331
working with 353
processor speed 21
professional equipment
analog audio 503
audio equipment 494, 503
synchronizing 504
video equipment 498
project controls 40
project files 88
project mixdowns. See mixdowns
Project pane 37
Project preferences 99–100
project properties 106–110
envelope selection mode 108
length 110
overlap mode 108
sample rate 107
time format 56, 109–110