Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual

Page 115

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Chapter 4

Working with Multitrack Projects


The following properties for the selected clip are displayed and can be edited in the
Details tab:

File and Clip Details
 Name: Name of the selected clip.
 Position value slider: Sets the position (start point) of the selected clip.
 Duration value slider: Sets the duration (length) of the selected clip.
 Offset value slider: Sets the offset of the selected clip.
 Measure in pop-up menu: Sets the units shown in the Position, Duration, and Offset

value sliders.

 Color pop-up menu: Sets the color of the selected clip.
 Enabled checkbox: Enables or disables the selected clip.
 Locked checkbox: Locks or unlocks the selected clip.
 Transpose pop-up menu: Sets the number of semitones to transpose a looping clip.
 Clip Speed pop-up menu: Sets the playback speed for a looping clip.
 Created: Displays the creation date.
 Modified: Displays the modification date.
 Size: Displays the file size.
 Properties: Displays the following information for the clip or file: duration, sample rate,

the timecode for the first frame of the clip or file, bit depth, and channel valence.

 Metadata: Use this section to view the metadata for a file or a clip. Metadata

categories include Name, Copyright, Origination Date, Keywords, and so on.

 Music: Use to view music information for a clip or file, primarily music loops in the

Search tab. The music information includes tempo, time signature, key, scale type,
looping (yes or no), beats, instrument, and loop genre.