Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual
Page 557

controlling playback of 134–135
distributing 419–420
exporting mixes 397–413
importing QuickTime movies into 79, 315
importing video into 315, 316
information about 56
miniature view of 133
overall volume of 288–290
playing 71–78
preferences 99–100
properties 56
removing video clips from 325
saving as audio file projects 244–245
saving with media files 419–420
scrolling through 128
scrubbing 77
undoing and redoing changes 93
audio clips 114–116
busses 124
copying 165, 179
enabling or disabling 181
multitrack projects 106–110
property tags 521
puck 300, 303
Pullup/Pulldown pop-up menus 56
punching in and out 371
Q (bandwidth) 335
quality of equipment 494
Quality pop-up menu 402
quantization 473
quarter-size frames 103, 319
QuickTime movies
audio files 79
file size and 245
as multichannel files 212
opening in File Editor 192
opening in Soundtrack Pro 66, 79
opening video 315
saving 246
saving video with audio 245
supported formats 315
website 19
QuickTime MPEG-2 Playback Component 79, 315
QuickTime Streaming Server Compatibility 403
RAM 21
rarification, sound waves and 463
ratio parameter in Compressor 332
RCA connectors 479, 481, 485, 491
Read Before You Install document 21
Read mode 365
realtime effects 343–352
See also effects
adding 344–345
adjusting parameters 345
advanced settings 345–346
applying 229
applying in project view 242
automation 351
bypassing 349
chaining 347–348
overview 329
parameters 351
removing 352
rendering 243–244, 329
reordering 348
resetting to defaults 352
sends and 349–351
showing 229
working with 343
recently-opened projects 105
reconnecting media files 96
Record button 38, 77, 371, 372, 373
recording audio 367–375
adjusting settings 369
Audio MIDI Setup utility 23
disk space and 367
eliminating latency 516
enabling channel strips for 280
enabling tracks for recording 368
in File Editor 375
file location 112
keyboard shortcuts 460
locations of files 374
in Mixer 291, 374
multiple takes 372–373
multitrack projects 371
multitrack recordings 371
preferences 100
preparing for 367
save location 100
sessions location 100
single takes 371
surround sound workflow 294
in Timeline 368–373
recording automation data 365, 366, 394
recording control surface automation 394
Recording pane 367
recording sessions, save location 100
Recording tab 50, 368, 372
Redo command 93
Reduce Noise command 225–226
reference input connectors 504
Reference Source Audio setting 424
referenced files 245, 246, 423
refining searches 83, 84