Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual

Page 552

background image



naming 184, 382
podcast markers 379, 380, 381–384
region markers 185
scoring 185–187
time 183–185, 186
types of 183
URLs 380
uses for 183
using in File Editor 249
using with video 185–187
video frames and 325
working with 183–187

MAS plug-in 23
Master bus

about 290
defined 126
envelopes in 364
routing signals to physical outputs 263
in Timeline 39

master envelopes 42, 364
Master Envelopes button 42, 247
master mixes 397–412
master Timeslice 176
mastering process 292
Match EQ effect 181
Matches list 52, 53, 82, 83
matching equalization 181, 228
Maximum Packet Duration field 403
Maximum Packet Size field 403
Measure in pop-up menu 57, 59, 115, 380
measures 56, 109, 133
media files

missing files 96
multiple instances of clips based on 167, 197
reconnecting 96
saving with projects 111, 419–420
storing 22

Media pop-up menu 48, 51, 53, 54, 89, 92
memory 21

adding 57
audio clips 115
clips 58
files 58
items in Bin 90
in Project tab 55
saving for Conform projects 441
saving projects with 429
searching for files by 81
working with tagged clips 188

Meter Display menu 512

diagnostic 331
effects 339–341
level meters 288–289
preferences 97

recording audio and 370
surround sound controls 304–305

Meters tab 49, 288–289, 304
microphones 26, 485, 494
MIDI Clock pop-up menu 101
MIDI Clock signal 38, 78, 101
MIDI Clock Virtual MIDI Device checkbox 101
MIDI input port 392
MIDI interface 29, 391
MIDI output port 392
MIDI Setup utility 23
MIDI Sync button 38, 78
MIDI Time Code (MTC) 38, 78, 101, 506
MIDI Time Code pop-up menu 101
MIDI Time Code Virtual MIDI Device checkbox 101
midrange frequencies 334, 335
midrange frequencies (sound) 465
mini surround panner 299
MiniDisc recorders 503
minimizing windows 67
miscellaneous effects 341–342
mix (ratio) 337, 339

conforming 432, 439
exporting 397–413
sending to Final Cut Pro 430
surround sound output 312
surround-to-stereo 297
updating 432, 440

Mixer 261–292

channel strips in 273–283
described 261
effects in 284–286
hiding 281–282
level meters 305
mixing multitrack projects in 12
overview 44–46
peak indicators 289
realtime effects in 345
recording audio in 291, 374
recording automation in 291
resizing and rearranging windows 274
sends in 286
showing 281–282
volume levels 288
working in 261–292

Mixer Objects outline 61, 138
Mixer pop-up menu 44
mixers 26, 485
mixing audio

bitstream settings 408
busses and 270–272
converting stereo to surround sound 307
creating submixes 266
custom window layouts for 274
described 261