Playing the video – Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual

Page 317

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Chapter 10

Working with Video in Soundtrack Pro


Playing the Video

When you play the project, the video plays in the Video tab in time with the audio in
your project. You can also control playback using keyboard shortcuts.

To view the video, you can make the Video tab active or detach it and move it to another
location onscreen. You can also view the video using an external video output device.

Controlling Video Playback Using Keyboard Shortcuts

There are a number of keyboard shortcuts you can use to control playback of the video
in the Video tab. To use keyboard shortcuts, the pointer cannot be in a text field.

 Space bar: Plays the video from the current playhead position. This is equivalent to

clicking the Play button.

 Return: Sets the playhead to the beginning of the video. If the cycle region is active,

pressing Return sets the playhead to the beginning of the cycle region. This is
equivalent to clicking the Go to Beginning button in the transport controls.

 Option-Left Arrow: Moves the playhead back (closer to the beginning) one video

frame. This is equivalent to clicking the Previous Frame button.

 Option-Right Arrow: Moves the playhead forward (closer to the end) one video frame.

This is equivalent to clicking the Previous Frame button.

 J, K, and L keys: You can use the keyboard commands (the J, K, and L keys) to speed

playback up to eight times normal speed. For complete information on using these
keys see “

Using the J, K, and L Keys for Shuttling

” on page 130.

For a complete list of Soundtrack Pro keyboard shortcuts, see Appendix A,

Soundtrack Pro Keyboard Shortcuts

,” on page 449.