Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual

Page 146

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Chapter 5

Working in the Timeline

To show or hide the envelopes for a track, bus, or submix, do one of the following:


Click the envelopes disclosure triangle in the header for a track, bus, or submix. Click
the disclosure triangle again to hide the envelopes.


Press E to show envelopes for any selected tracks. Press E again to hide the envelopes.

Note: If you automate controls or effects using envelopes, you hear the results whether
or not the envelopes are visible.

For information on automating changes to volume, pan, and other settings, see
Chapter 12, “

Working with Automation

,” on page 355.

Changing Track Time Format

By default, tracks use the same time format as the project (Time-based or Beats-based).
You can change the time format of a track, which changes the behavior of tagged clips
when you change the project tempo.

When the track time format is Time-based, clips remain at the same time position (the
same second or frame) when you change the project tempo. When the track time
format is Beats-based, clips remain at the same beat position (the same measure, beat,
and beat division) when you change the project tempo.

When you set a track to Beats-based time format, a metronome appears in the corner
of the track icon.

To change a track’s time format:


Select the track.


Choose Multitrack > Track Time Base, then choose a format from the submenu.

Click the envelopes

disclosure triangle.

The envelopes appear
below the track in the