Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual

Page 542

background image




connecting 24
video capture 24

Can’t Find File dialog 96
Cancel button 220
capture cards. See video cards
Category list 60
Category pop-up menu 52
CD mode 512
CD players 503

phantom 304
stereo plus center 309

Center Bias slider 302
center channel 310
Center Downmix pop-up menu 408
center frequency 335
chaining effects 347–348
channel layout, editing 413
Channel Strip pop-up menu 44
channel strips 44–45

adding to Mixer 275
changing icon for 281
copying 276
described 273
effects 284–286
enabling for recording 280
muting 280
pan position 278–279
removing 283
renaming 281
reordering 276
selecting 276
sends 286–287
setting outputs for 279–280
soloing 280
stereo level meters 282
Tracks tab 61, 138, 140
volume levels 277
working with 273–283


AAC/Podcast files 402
center 310
Compressor settings 412, 413
dialogue 268
Dolby Digital 406
editing multichannel files 212–214
enabling or disabling 213
export settings 401
full-bandwidth 410
input 369
items in Bin 90
LFE 306, 311, 410
mono audio 121
multichannel audio capture 503
in new files 214

numbers of 67
preferences 97, 100
recording sound for 306
reordering 229
selecting 120, 202–203, 213
stereo mixdowns 267
surround 297, 306, 310, 410
swapping 229
using in Dolby Digital programs 404
valence 256
voiceover and dialogue 309

Channels pop-up menu 401
Channels submenu 41
chapter markers 381–384
chapters in podcasts 380
chasing timecode 506
chorus effects 336
Clear Fixed button 63
clicks 236
Clicks and Pops Threshold slider 237
Clip Speed pop-up menu 58, 115
clipping 236, 237, 288, 289–290, 333
clipping indicators 289
clips. See audio clips; video clips
Clock Source menu 511

audio file projects 242
multitrack projects 106
window panes 34
windows 67

Collapse slider 302

audio files 111, 419
unused files 420
video files 111, 420

Color pop-up menu 57, 115, 217
color space 481–482

audio clip colors 116
track colors 116
track labels 40, 45
video clips 116

Column view 52, 81, 82–83
Column View button 52, 81
Columns pop-up menu 48
combining clips into multichannel audio 123
comments for markers 59
common sync sources 504
comp tracks 253
compacting projects 111

action results in files 234
most recent actions 234

Component analog video 501
Component RGB 481–482
Component video 481–482