Analysis tab – Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual

Page 63

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Chapter 2

The Soundtrack Pro Interface


Analysis Tab

Use the Analysis tab to analyze audio files for a range of common audio problems,
including clicks and pops, hum, and phase issues. You can fix the problems detected by
analysis either individually or in a single operation. Selected problems are highlighted
in the File Editor waveform display for easy viewing.

 Analysis Type list: Lists the types of analysis you can select.
 Parameter list: Some analysis types (Click/Pop and Silence) have parameters you can

adjust before analyzing the file. The parameters appear in this list.

 Analyze button: Click to analyze the file for the problems selected in the Analysis

Type list.

 Analysis Results list: Lists items found by analyzing the file.
 Clear Fixed button: Removes fixed items from the Analysis Results list.
 Magnify button: Zooms in on the selected item in the Analysis Results list for as long

as you hold down the button.

 Fix All button: Fixes all items in the Analysis Results list.
 Fix button: Fixes the selected items in the Analysis Results list.

Parameter list

Analysis Results list

Analyze button

Magnify button

Fix All button

Fix button

Clear Fixed button

Analysis Type list