Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual

Page 117

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Chapter 4

Working with Multitrack Projects


To set the color of a clip, do one of the following:


Select the clip in the Timeline or the Bin, choose Clip > Color, then choose a color from
the submenu.


Control-click the clip in the Timeline or the Bin, then choose Color from the shortcut
menu and choose a color from the submenu.


Select the clip. In the Details tab, choose a color from the Color pop-up menu.


Drag the clip to a track that already has a color.

The clip takes on the track color.

Note: If you have already applied a color to a clip, the clip does not take on the track color.

You can set the color for a track, so that any clip you add to the track takes on the
track color.

To set a track color, do one of the following:


Select the track, then choose Multitrack > Track Color, and choose a color from
the submenu.


Control-click the track, then choose Color from the shortcut menu and choose a color
from the submenu.

Choose a clip color from
the shortcut menu.