Editing in place, How clips are affected by media file editing – Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual

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Chapter 6

Editing Audio Files


Editing in Place

Editing an audio file directly in the multitrack Timeline is nearly identical to editing any
other audio file in the Soundtrack Pro File Editor. All of the same effects, editing tools,
and waveform views are available. However, there are several differences:

 Timeline and File Editor playhead synchronization: When you edit a clip’s media file in

place, the Timeline and File Editor playheads are synchronized so you can work with
the media file within the context of your multitrack project.

 Multiple region markers: Because a media file may be referred to by multiple clips in a

multitrack project, you may see multiple region markers above the ruler in the File
Editor tab. Each region marker shows the In and Out points of a clip in the Timeline
that refers to this media file. In addition, the display of the name of the file in the File
Editor tab changes to reflect the number of clips that refer to this media file; for
example, “Scene8.aiff (1 of 4).” These indications alert you to the fact that changes
you make to this media file may affect multiple clips.

How Clips Are Affected by Media File Editing

When you modify a media file in a multitrack project, all clips that refer to that media
file are updated simultaneously. For example, if you have ten clips referring to the same
media file and you double-click one of the clips to modify its underlying media file, any
changes you make to the media file affect all ten clips.

Multiple In and Out