Nudging envelope points, Cutting, copying, and pasting envelope points – Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual
Page 362

Chapter 12
Working with Automation
Nudging Envelope Points
There are several ways in which you can nudge envelope points using the arrow keys:
 Hold down the Command and Option keys and press the Left or Right Arrow key to
move the envelope point to the previous or next video frame.
 Hold down the Command key and press the Left or Right Arrow key to move the
envelope point to the previous or next gridline.
 Hold down the Command key and press the Up or Down Arrow key to move the
envelope point up or down by one coarse value.
 Hold down the Command and Option keys and press the Up or Down Arrow key to
move the envelope point up or down by one fine value.
Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Envelope Points
You can cut and copy selected envelope points and paste them at a different position
in the automation row.
To cut envelope points:
Select the envelope point, then choose Edit > Cut (or press Command-X).
To copy envelope points:
Select the envelope points, then choose Edit > Copy (or press Command-C).
To paste envelope points:
Set the playhead to the point where you want to paste the envelope points, then
choose Edit > Paste (or press Command-V).
When you paste envelope points into an automation row, the new envelope points
replace any existing envelope points, and the automation takes the shape of the cut or
copied envelope in the pasted area.
When pasting envelope points, the following conditions apply:
 Envelope points can only be pasted into an envelope of the same type as the envelope
from which they were cut or copied. For example, envelope points from a volume
envelope can only be pasted into a volume envelope, not a pan or tempo envelope.
 Envelope points for an effect parameter can only be pasted into an envelope for
exactly the same effect parameter in exactly the same type of effect. You cannot
paste envelope points from one effect into another, even if they have parameters
with the same name.
Pasting envelope points
into an envelope replaces
the existing area of the
envelope with the cut or
copied area.