Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual
Page 551

tabs 450
Timeline 451, 455
Timeslice tool 178, 461
tracks 458
video out 460
window panes 36
keyword buttons 52, 53, 84–85
keywords 52–53, 82–85
Keywords list 52, 53, 82
knee parameter 333
labels 45
Latch automation mode 106, 291, 365
described 487
eliminating 516
increased 30
Latency Compensation slider 100
choosing 69
deleting 69
described 68
keyboard shortcuts 450
saving 68
length of files 235
Level menu 513
level meters
channel strips 282, 288
effects 340
Meters tab 49
Mixer 45
peak indicators 283
recording audio and 370
Recording tab 50
surround sound 304
Level smoothing slider 342
audio 468
instrument levels 494
line levels 494
reverb 339
LFE (low frequency effects)
balancing 302
channels 306, 311, 410
enabling 406
interference and 311
limitations 311
multichannel sound and 306
surround sound and 293
LFE Balance slider 302
LFO (low-frequency oscillator) 336–337
Lift tool 165, 179
limiters 333
line levels 494
linear fades 159
linear scale 217
Linear Time Code (LTC) 506
linking items 200
locating recorded files 374
Locked checkbox 58
logarithmic fades 159
logarithmic scale 217
Logic Control protocol 26, 391
Logic post-export actions 416
Loop Sync Master menu 510
converting non-looping files to 188
file indicator 90
joining looping files 173
looping files 79
playback 134–135
resizing looping clips 156
low frequency effects. See LFE
low-frequency oscillator (LFO) 336–337
low-frequency reverb 339
Low-Pass Filter option 410
low-pass filters 335, 410
LTC (Linear Time Code) 506
M & E submixes 268–269
M-JPEG format 498
.m2v files 79, 315
.m4p files 404
.m4v files 388
Mac OS X Core Audio 487
Mac OS, version of 517
Mackie Control protocol 26, 391
Magnify button 63, 239
mapping commands to control surfaces 393
marker titles, viewing 184
aligning audio clips to Timeline with 186
beat 183–185
chapter markers 381–384
deleting 185, 381
duration 185
editing 382
Final Cut Pro 185–187
images for 380, 386
information about 59
inserting 183
keyboard shortcuts 458
moving 184, 382