Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual

Page 554

background image



overlap mode 108
playing 71–78
properties 106–108
reconnecting media files 96
recording. See recording audio
saving 111, 246
saving with media files 111, 419–420
scrubbing 77
sending mixdowns to Final Cut Pro 430
soloing files in 199
Soundtrack Pro features 16
spotting sound effects 170
submixes and 125
time format 56, 109–110
tracks in 124
Tracks tab and 138
types of 65

Multitrack Timeline

editing in 168–169
moving video in 324


displaying information about 58
displaying properties 115
instruments 485
key 90, 100
music and effects submixes 268–269
properties 57
reverb 270–271
scale 90
in surround sound mixes 310

music and effects submixes 268–269
musical intervals 188
musical sounds 466, 467
Mute button 41, 46, 143
Mute Project checkbox 50

audio clips 118
busses 143
channel strips 280
export settings and 414
submixes 143
tracks 143, 199


Name field 40, 45, 59, 380

items in Bin 90
output files 414
podcast and chapter markers 382
truncating 98

narration 309
narrow frequency ranges 219

Global Timeline view 133

keyboard shortcuts 130, 451, 455
playhead 451
scroll bars 128
Timeline 128–135
transport controls 38
Zoom control 129–130

Nearby Keys button 53
nearfield monitors 32
NeXT files 66, 79, 192, 246, 312, 398
Next frame button 78
Next Selection button 39, 43, 205

ambient 227
Denoiser effect 341
eliminating 341, 516
glass-noise effect 342
inserting in audio 222
noise gates 333
noise prints 225, 227
pink 222
reducing 225–226, 341
white 222
zero crossing and 205

noise floor 469
Noise Generator dialog 222
nominal levels of sound 469
nondestructive editing 166, 193, 196, 423
non-drop frames 109, 321
non-DV format devices 499, 501
non-looping files 79, 188
normalization 221, 407, 409
Normalize command 221
notch frequencies 336
NTSC format 79, 315

clips 324
envelope points 362
keyboard shortcuts 454

numbering in Timeline 141



audio clips 157
slip offset 90
slipping take regions 255

Offset value slider 57, 115
OMF files 435–436
onscreen help 18
Open In Editor command 427

audio files in native format 241
files in File Editor 198
Final Cut Pro audio 422
multitrack projects 105