Resources for learning about soundtrackpro, About this soundtrackpro onscreen user manual, Resources for learning about soundtrack pro – Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual

Page 18: About this soundtrack pro onscreen user manual

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An Introduction to Soundtrack Pro

Resources for Learning About Soundtrack Pro

This manual describes the Soundtrack Pro interface, commands, and menus, and gives
step-by-step instructions for creating Soundtrack Pro projects and for accomplishing
specific tasks. It also includes information on setting up your system and on audio
basics. It is designed to provide the information you need to get up to speed quickly so
you can take full advantage of the intuitive interface and powerful features of
Soundtrack Pro.

If you want to start by learning how to set up audio hardware to use with
Soundtrack Pro, read Chapter 1, “

Setting Up Your System

,” on page 21. If you want to

learn about the features and controls in the Soundtrack Pro interface, read Chapter 2,

The Soundtrack Pro Interface

,” on page 33. If you want to jump right in and start using

the application, skip ahead to Chapter 3, “

Setting Up Soundtrack Pro

,” on page 65. If

you want to read about editing audio files, turn to Chapter 6, “

Editing Audio Files

,” on

page 191. If you want to start using the multitrack Timeline, read Chapter 5, “

Working in

the Timeline

,” on page 127.

Soundtrack Pro provides several different sources of support.

About This Soundtrack Pro Onscreen User Manual

The Soundtrack Pro onscreen user manual allows you to access information directly
onscreen while you’re working in Soundtrack Pro. To view this information, choose
Help > Soundtrack Pro User Manual. The Soundtrack Pro onscreen user manual is a fully
hyperlinked version of the Soundtrack Pro User Manual, enhanced with many features
that make locating information quick and easy.

 The homepage provides quick access to various features, including Release Notes,

the index, and the Soundtrack Pro website.

 A comprehensive bookmark list allows you to quickly choose what you want to see

and takes you there as soon as you click the link.

In addition to these navigational tools, the Soundtrack Pro onscreen user manual gives
you other means to locate information quickly:

 All cross-references in the text are linked. You can click any cross-reference and jump

immediately to that location. Then, you can use the Preview Back button to return to
where you were before you clicked the cross-reference.

 The table of contents and index are also linked. If you click an entry in either of these

sections, you jump directly to that section of the user manual.

 You can also use the Find dialog to search the text for specific words or a phrase.