Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual
Page 562
surround panners 295
surround-to-stereo mixdown 297
system setup 294
surround-to-stereo mixdown 297
Swap Channels command 229
between looping and non-looping mode 188
between surround and stereo audio 296
between Waveform view and Frequency
Spectrum view 215
Sync To MIDI Clock settings 101
Sync To MIDI Time Code settings 101
automatic dialogue replacement 252
blackburst generators and 504
external timecode and 506
markers and 186
OMF and AAF files 436
podcast images 384
preferences 101
slide shows 385
synced audio in Multitake Editor 46
Synchronization preferences 101
system requirements 21
system setup 21–29
Apogee hardware 514
connecting audio equipment 23–26
control interface 29
example hardware setups 27–29
FireWire audio interface 29
overview 21
powered speakers 27
software installation 21
surround sound projects 294
system considerations 21–23
USB audio interface 28
video output devices 30
described 37
detaching/reattaching 68
keyboard shortcuts 450
reordering 68
tagged audio clips 188
tagged audio files 81, 519–535
tags 519, 521, 522
Tags tab 520, 521–522
tags. See metadata
tails, effect 110, 230, 244, 345, 399, 414
takes 253
See also recording audio
adding 256
deleting 256
items in Bin 90
multitake clips 373
in Multitake Editor 253
multitake recordings 372
recording 371
renaming 256
reordering 257
selecting 254
slipping regions 255
splitting 254
Tap tempo delays 337
Target System pop-up menu 405
TDIF connectors 493
templates, temporary 179
tempo 90, 186–187, 519
Tempo envelope 364
Tempo value slider 100
temporary files 112
temporary mono mix 290–291
temporary templates 179
searching for 82, 84
showing in Toolbar 71
thinning envelope points 366
third-party applications 435–437
third-party effects 23
third-party interfaces
audio interfaces 486, 504
uses for 25
video interfaces 498
threshold 226, 332
thumbnails 182
TIFF files 384
timbre 466
Time Code Offset synchronization settings 101
Time display 40, 43, 73–74, 321
time format
described 321
projects 133
setting 56, 109–110
tracks 146
time markers 59, 183–185, 186
Time ruler 40, 133, 321
Time Ruler units 242, 315
Time Signature pop-up menu 53
time signatures 53, 90, 100
Time smoothing slider 342
Time Stretch command 224
Time Stretch sheet 224
time stretching
audio files 210, 224
video and 324
Time-based effects 337–339
Time-based format
aligning clips in 109
entering units 73, 133
project format 109