Exporting tracks, busses, and submixes separately, Output file names, Effect tails – Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual

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Chapter 16

Exporting Multitrack Projects

Exporting Tracks, Busses, and Submixes Separately

As an alternative to exporting a master mix, you can export the component parts of
your multitrack project as individual files or as groups of files. These options are
available for AIFF, WAVE, NeXT, and SoundDesigner II export files.

Note: Muted tracks, busses, and submixes are excluded from all of the following
export combinations.

To export component parts of a multitrack project:


Follow the steps described in “

Exporting a Master Mix to a Standard Audio File

” on

page 398, except in step 2, instead of choosing Master Mix, choose any of the following
from the Exported Items pop-up menu:

 Selected Tracks, Busses, and Submixes: Exports selected tracks, busses, and submixes

only. If nothing is selected, each unmuted track, bus, and submix is exported as a
separate file.

 All Tracks, Busses, and Submixes: Exports each unmuted track, bus, and submix as a

separate file.

 All Tracks: Exports each unmuted track as a separate file.
 All Busses: Exports each unmuted bus as a separate file.
 All Submixes: Exports each unmuted submix as a separate file.

Output File Names

Output files are given the same names as the tracks, busses, or submixes being
exported. For example, “Track 1” results in “Track 1.aif.” If you select the “Create
multiple mono files” checkbox, the Mixer object name (for example, “Track 1”) serves
as the base name to which channel codes are appended (for example, “Track 1.R.aif”
and “Track 1.L.aif”). For more information, see “

Exporting Multiple Mono Files

,” below.

Effect Tails

When you export a project, track, bus, or submix that includes an effect (for example, a
reverb or delay) that produces a tail that extends past the end of the project, the
exported file lengthens to include the tail.

You can also select part of an audio file and add an effect to a selection. When you add
an effect that produces a tail to a selection, the tail is blended with the audio following
the selection until the effect level falls below –96 dB. The project lengthens to include
the tail if necessary.