Soundtrackpro window organization, Showing and hiding the panes, Soundtrack pro window organization – Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual
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Chapter 2
The Soundtrack Pro Interface
Soundtrack Pro Window Organization
The Soundtrack Pro window is arranged into several areas: the project pane and three
surrounding panes: the left pane, the lower pane, and the right pane. The project pane is
reserved as the central “canvas” for the multitrack Timeline and for individual audio file
projects. Use the transport controls at the bottom of the window to play back projects that
you open in the project pane. Task-specific tabs are docked in the left, lower, and right
panes. By default, the tabs are grouped by function and are laid out for a streamlined audio
post-production workflow. Nonetheless, you can easily rearrange the tabs and resize the
panes to suit your needs and then save the custom layouts for future use.
Showing and Hiding the Panes
The tabs are grouped by function to optimize your workflow. For example, the media
I O-related tabs (Meters, Recording, Search, Browser, and Favorites) are located in the
right pane by default. When you are finished with media input, you can close the entire
right pane by choosing Window > Toggle Right Pane, and thereby allow more
horizontal space for the project pane and the lower pane.
Left pane
Project pane
Lower pane
Transport controls (project pane)
Right pane