Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual

Page 558

background image



regeneration 337
region markers

duration 185
multiple 166, 195

release parameter 333
Remove Effect button 60
Remove Unused command 420
removing. See deleting items

channel strips 281
groups 140
items in Timeline 141
presets 182
takes 256

Render to Action command 229, 244

effects to actions 229, 243
flattening actions 233
realtime effects 329
render file location 112
saving in project view and 246
video as QuickTime movies 429

Reorder Channels command 229

actions 232
Actions list 233
channel strips in Mixer 276
channels 213, 229
effects 285, 348
sends 287, 351
takes 257

Replace With Ambient Noise command 227

dialogue 252
effects 286
sound with noise 227
source audio for clips 189

Resample command 229
Reset button 49, 217, 220, 289
Reset Effect button 60

audio clips 156
Cycle Region 135
Timeslice selections 175
video clips 324
Video tab 318
windows 67

Result button 445
Results list 238
results projects 440, 443
reverb effects 270–271, 331, 338–339
reverb envelopes 339
reverb time, 339
reverberation 26, 338
Reverse command 221
reviewing changes 444, 446

RGB color space 481–482
ripple cuts 453
ripple deletes 453
RMS Slow and Fast modes 340
roll-off filters 335
room shape, audio and 26
room types 339, 408
Root Mean Square 340
Rotation slider 301
roundtrips 315, 430, 434
routing signals 263
RTAS plug-in 23
ruler units 109, 212, 242
Ruler Units pop-up menu 56

grid lines and 110
units 109, 212, 242


s-curve fades 159
S-Video connectors 481
S-Video signals 481
S/MUX (sample multiplexing) 493
S/PDIF connectors 492
S/PDIF digital audio 486, 503
Safe RT mode 429
Sample Edit tool 209
sample multiplexing 493
Sample Rate pop-up menu 99, 107, 229, 396, 401,
402, 406
sample rates

Apogee hardware conversion 511
audio files 107
audio interfaces 487
choosing 229
consumer audio 503
described 107
digital audio 399, 401, 474
digital video 107
DVD format 406
hardware 107
importing audio files 79, 193
items in Bin 90
in multichannel files 214
multitrack projects 107
OMF and AAF files 436
saving 246
Soundtrack Pro and 67, 487
Waveform Editor 229

Sample ruler 217
sample units 212

editing 209
problems in 239
reversing 221