Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual
Page 145

Chapter 5
Working in the Timeline
Select a category in the Category list to display the effects for that category in the
Effect list.
In the Effect list, do one of the following:
 Double-click the effect you want to add.
 Select the effect name, then click the Add Effect button.
 Drag the effect to the Effect Parameters area.
The effect’s advanced settings window appears, and the effect name appears in the
Effect Parameters area with its checkbox selected.
For detailed information about adding and adjusting effects, see Chapter 11, “
Showing and Hiding Track, Bus, and Submix Envelopes
Clicking the automation disclosure triangle for a track or bus shows the volume and
pan envelopes, which you can use to automate changes to pan position and volume
level over the course of the project. Clicking the triangle for a submix shows the
submix’s volume envelope. The envelopes appear in the Timeline below the track, bus,
or submix. You can also add envelopes for effect parameters, which appear below the
other envelopes. For information on adding envelopes for effect parameters, see
Chapter 11, “
Select the category
of effects you want to
use from this list. the Effect
Parameters area.
Drag the effect from
the Effect list...