Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual

Page 565

background image



supported formats 79, 315
Time display and 321
time format 321
Time ruler and 321
time stretching and 324
timecode format 109, 321
transport controls 317
viewing area 55
working with 315–325
working with audio in 321

video cards

analog-to-digital 481
connecting 478
connecting analog equipment to 498–500
video interface cards 478

video clips

in Bin hierarchy 88
colors 116
deselecting 148
importing into projects 316
information in Bin 88
removing from projects 325
timecode position 185, 186
viewing details of 320

video connectors 480–484
video decks 501
video equipment

analog 501
breakout boxes 31
connecting devices 498–502
consumer devices 501
described 24
external video output 30
input and output devices 24
monitors 27
PCI cards 31
professional equipment 498
synchronizing 504
video signals 480–484

video files

in Bin hierarchy 88
collecting 111, 420
podcasts 377
reconnecting 96
size of 420
viewing details about 320

Video Frames per Second pop-up menu 99
video interfaces

advantages 25
choosing 477–480
PCI cards 31, 478

video monitors 27
video out

external video devices 30
keyboard shortcuts 460
preferences 103

video out devices 319
Video Out preferences 103
video output devices 30, 318–319
video podcasts 387, 388, 389, 404
Video Pulldown pop-up menu 99
Video Scale pop-up menu 55
Video tab 55, 274, 316, 318
video tape recorders. See VTRs
video tracks

displaying imported video 316
selecting all clips on 149
in Timeline 39

videotape recorders. See VTRs
viewing area 55
virtual MIDI devices 101
voiceovers 309
voices 323, 465

busses 142
channel strips 277
level meters 282
master project volume 290
noise levels 223
normalizing 407
overall 288–290
sends 350
submixes 142
tracks 142

volume envelopes 145, 356
volume fader 45
volume slider 41, 92, 142, 220
VST plug-in 23
VTRs (video tape recorders)

analog 501
connecting 24, 500
multiple analog channels 503
non-DV devices 502


WAV files 66, 79, 192, 212, 246, 312, 398
Wave Generator dialog 223
Waveburner 416
Waveform Editor. See File Editor
Waveform view 191, 215
Waveform view button 43

clip offset and 157
displaying 43
dynamic range 470
editing 11, 66, 193
editing tools 43, 208–211
frequency of 223
inserting in audio 223
length of 224
sample units 212