Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual
Page 563

snapping options 94
tracks and 146
Time-based ruler 56
aligning audio clips to 133, 186
embedded 153
external 506
format 321
items in Bin 90
MIDI Timecode 38
moving clips to specific 155
spotting clips to 153
starting timecode 99
synchronizing to 506
time markers and 185
Time ruler units and 109, 315, 321
Time-based format 73
Timecode HUD 64
value sliders 76
Timecode HUD 64
timecode value sliders 76
adding audio files to 113–114
Conform projects in 445
controls 40, 42, 247
cutting, copying, and pasting items in 151
Cycle Region 134
deselecting items in 148
displaying selected clips in 446
displaying with Mixer 275
editing audio clips in 12, 162–166
editing in place 166, 195
editing tools 39, 164–165
editing tools HUD 165
fades and crossfades in 158–161
filling screen with 35
Global view 133
headers 40–41
keyboard shortcuts 130, 451, 453, 454, 455
lifting and stamping properties 179
markers 183–187
moving audio clips in 154–155
Multitrack Timeline 162–166, 168–169
navigating in 128–135
offsets in 157
outline view 61
overview 39–40
preferences 98
in Project pane 37
recording audio in 368–373
resizing clips in 156
scrubbing projects in 77
selecting clips in 147–151
setting track height in 132
snapping clips in 156
spotting clips in 153
Timeslice tool 174
track controls 40–41
Tracks tab and 138–140
video display in 323
working in 127–132
zooming in/out 129–130
Timescale pop-up menu 99
Timeslice tool
about 164, 174–178
changing selection area 177–178
cutting, copying, or pasting selections 177
Cycle Region and 200
deleting contents of selection 177
envelope selection and 359
extending selections 149
keyboard shortcuts 178, 461
master Timeslices 176
selecting to right or left 151
tip-ring-sleeve connectors 485, 491
tip-sleeve connectors 491
tone 226, 333
tone color 466
Tone Control slider 226
Toolbar 37, 38, 69–71
TOSLINK connectors 486, 492
Touch automation mode 106, 291, 365
Track area 40
track envelopes 356
Track Height control 132, 247
Track Height pop-up menu 99
track pan envelopes 356
Track pop-up menu 50
adding 135
adding sends to 349
channel strip controls 274
channel strips 44, 140
color labels 40, 45
colors 116
combining with sends and busses 272
comp tracks 253
controls 40–41, 124, 142–144
copying 141
described 127
effects 144–145
enabling for recording 280, 368
envelopes 145, 356
exporting 414
grouping 136–137
height 99, 132, 247, 253
icons 40, 141
keyboard shortcuts 458
LFE tracks 311
Motion 434
moving 141