Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual
Page 561

channel selections 120
channels 402
converting to mono 228
converting to surround sound 307
creating stereo mixes 267
data rate 407
delays 337
enhancing 342
envelopes 356
equipment setup 32
music in surround sound mixes 310
separating channels 122
setting output 265
soloing channels 120
spread 342
stereo image 32
stereo mixdowns 267
stereo playback 312
stereo plus center 309
surround-to-stereo mixdown 297
swapping channels 229
switching to surround sound 295
Stereo Bit Rate pop-up menu 400
stereo delays 337
stereo images 32
stereo mixdowns 267
stereo plus center 309
Stereo Spread plug-in 342
still images 380, 384–387
.stmp extension 65, 105, 111
storage space 22
streaming hints 403
streaming packets 403
Streaming pane 403
Stretch tool. See Audio Stretching tool, time
stretching technique 528
sub bass 335
Submix pop-up menu 41, 46
adding 136, 264
adjusting volume 142
changing icon for 141
channel strips 44, 140, 274, 279–280
controls 125, 142–146
copying 141
creating 266
defined 263
described 127
effects 144–145
envelopes 145, 356
exporting 414
grouping 136, 139
icons 40
independence of 265
intermediate submixes 272
moving 141
music and effects submixes 268–269
muting 143
numbered 141
output 279–280
output file names 414
overview 125–126
properties 125
removing 147
renaming 141
routing signals to physical outputs 263
selecting outputs 136
setting for tracks and busses 264
setting height of 132
soloing 143–144
stem mixes 428
stereo mixes 267
surround sound projects 296
in Timeline 39
workflow for 263
working with 135–147
subwoofers 293
summing audio 263
surround channels 306, 310, 410
Surround Downmix pop-up menu 408
Surround Panner HUD 300
surround panners 295
surround sound
about 293
automating 303
center channel 310
connecting physical outputs 297
converting stereo to 307
data rates 407
dialogue and voiceovers 309
effect plug-ins 311
envelopes 356
exporting 312, 404–410
level meters 282
LFE channel 311
metering 304–305
mixdowns 312
Mixer meters 305
mixing projects 299–303, 306
music and effects mixes 269
panning controls 278
project workflow 294
puck shortcuts 303
setting output 265
speakers 298
stereo music in 310
stereo playback 312
submix outputs 296
surround channels 310
Surround Panner HUD 300