Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual
Page 405

Chapter 16
Exporting Multitrack Projects
To export a master mix as a Dolby Digital Professional (AC-3) file:
Choose File > Export (or press Command-E).
The Export dialog appears.
Choose Master Mix from the Exported Items pop-up menu.
Note: You can also use an export preset to export a master mix. For more information
about using export presets and the Preset pop-up menu, see “
Choose Dolby Digital Professional (AC-3) File from the File Type pop-up menu.
The bottom portion of the Export dialog displays the Dolby Digital Professional (AC-3)
File export options. Since Soundtrack Pro can tap the power of Compressor as a
background process, these export options are identical to the corresponding options in
the Compressor application.
The AC-3 File export options are divided into three separate panes: Audio, Bitstream,
and Preprocessing.
Choose from the following export options in the Audio pane:
 Target System pop-up menu: Available settings are limited to those appropriate for
the selected target system. If you’re encoding for use with DVD Studio Pro, choose
DVD Video. Choose DVD Audio only if you are encoding for use in a DVD Audio
authoring application. Choose Generic AC-3 to remove the setting limits.
AC-3 Audio
export options