Chaining and reordering realtime effects – Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual
Page 347

Chapter 11
Working with Audio Effects
To adjust realtime effect parameters in the Effect Parameters area of the Effects tab:
Click the disclosure triangle next to the effect in the Effect Parameters area to display
its parameters.
Adjust the effect parameter by dragging the slider, selecting the checkbox, or choosing
an item from the pop-up menu. You can also adjust the parameter by entering a valid
value in the field to the right of the parameter’s control.
Chaining and Reordering Realtime Effects
You can add more than one realtime effect to a track, bus, submix, or audio file project.
Adding multiple effects to an effects chain is called chaining effects.
When you add multiple effects, the effects are applied in sequence, meaning that the
output of the first effect becomes the input for the next effect, and so on, for each
effect in the chain. The order in which effects are applied is important, because each
alters the input signal, which includes the output of previous effects in the chain. You
can reorder effects and hear the difference in the way they alter the sound.
Adjust a parameter by
dragging its slider.
You can also adjust the
parameter by entering a
value in the field.
Click the disclosure
triangle to display the
effect’s parameters.