Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual
Page 14

An Introduction to Soundtrack Pro
 To prepare your multitrack project for distribution and final delivery, such as foreign
language versions (for example, to create separate submixes for dialogue, sound
effects, and music)
For more information, see “
What Is a Submix and How Do You Use It?
Example: Mixing a Project with Dialogue, Music, and Effects Submixes
 To use advanced editing techniques and tools in the multitrack Timeline for
streamlined sound editing
For more information, see “
Using the Timeline Editing Tools
Selecting Audio Clips in the Timeline
Editing with the Timeslice Tool
 To create a podcast from a video edited in Final Cut Pro
For more information, see Chapter 14, “
Creating Podcasts in Soundtrack Pro
 To create stereo and surround mixes for the same project
For more information, see “
 To set up your sound-for-picture editing system to display video on an external video
monitor or use Digital Cinema Desktop on the Apple Studio and Apple Cinema Displays
For more information, see “
Setting Up a System Using a Video Output Device
 To adjust the selection for an action. For example, you may have applied an effect to a
portion of a file, and you might like to move that effect to a different portion of the file.
For more information, see “
Selecting Part of an Audio File
 To use the resizable Timecode HUD to display the current project timecode (for a
client sitting across the room)
For more information, see “
 With the Frequency Spectrum view and the Frequency Selection tool, to make
selections of frequency ranges as well as copy, paste, delete, and adjust the
amplitude of frequency selections
These tools help you visually pinpoint specific frequencies, for example, some noise
that you want to remove. For more information, see “
 To send a mixdown back to Final Cut Pro automatically
Soundtrack Pro can send a new copy of the Final Cut Pro sequence that looks just
like the original sequence but has additional audio tracks that contain your mixdown.
For more information, see “