2 table-based dataloggers, Table-based dataloggers -5 – Campbell Scientific LoggerNet Datalogger Support Software User Manual
Page 141

Section 5. Real-Time Tools
Collect All Since Last Collection – When this option is selected,
LoggerNet will attempt to collect all the data since the last Custom
Collection from the datalogger. Note that separate data collection pointers
are kept for the Custom Collection option; therefore, collecting from this
window will not affect data files created by scheduled data collection or a
manually initiated collection from the main Connect Screen.
Last Number of Arrays specifies how many of the last stored records
will be retrieved from the datalogger.
Advanced allows the user to specify the memory pointer address for each
of the final storage areas. Data collection will begin at the specified
memory pointer and go through the last record collected. Use of this
option depends on knowing the memory pointer values for data collection.
Pointers can be manually reset but are updated and stored with each data
File Mode
The File Mode determines if the data to be collected will be added to the end of
the data file, if it exists, or if it will overwrite an existing data file. This option
only applies if a file with the same name exists in the directory specified.
Append to End of File – When this option is selected, the data collected
using the Custom Collection option will be appended to the end of the file
from previous Custom Collection.
Overwrite Existing File – When this option is selected, the newly
collected data file will overwrite any existing file with the same name.
Select Final Storage Areas
The Final Storage Area section on the dialog selects which final storage areas
to collect data from. The file name and directory show where the collected
data will be saved. Clicking the browse button ( … ) next to the file name will
bring up the file select dialog.
CR500, CR7, and 21X dataloggers have only one final storage
area. Table-based Dataloggers
Clicking the Custom button for a table-based datalogger brings up the dialog
box shown below. The options you can specify include how much data to
collect; the file format; whether to overwrite, append or create a new file; and
the tables you want to collect. With table-based dataloggers you also have the
option of choosing specific records or a time interval to collect.
Each table is saved in a separate file so there will be one file created for each
table that is selected.