Campbell Scientific LoggerNet Server SDK User Manual
Campbell Scientific Software

LoggerNet Server
Software Development Kit
Version 4.1
Programmer’s Reference
Revision: 12/11
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 1 1
C a m p b e l l S c i e n t i f i c , I n c .
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Document Outline
- Revision and Copyright Information
- Campbell Scientific, Inc. Software SDK End User License Agreement (EULA)
- Table of Contents
- Section 1. LoggerNet Server SDK Overview
- Section 2. CsiServer Control
- Section 3. Developing an Application Using the CsiServer Control
- Section 4. CsiCoraScript Control
- Section 5. Developing an Application Using the CsiCoraScript Control
- Section 6. CsiBrokerMap Control
- 6.1 Purpose of the CsiBrokerMap Control
- 6.2 Connecting to the LoggerNet Server
- 6.3 How Collections Work
- Section 7. Developing an Application Using the CsiBrokerMap Control
- Section 8. CsiDatalogger
- Section 9. Developing an Application Using the Datalogger Control
- Section 10. CsiDataSource Control
- Section 11. Developing an Application Using the CsiDataSource Control
- Section 12. CsiLogMonitor Control
- Section 13. Developing an Application Using the CsiLogMonitor Control
- Section 14. CsiServer Control Reference
- Section 15. CsiCoraScript Control Reference
- Section 16. CsiBrokerMap Control
- 16.1 BrokerMap Interface
- 16.2 BrokerCollection Interface
- 16.3 Broker Interface
- 16.4 TableCollection Interface
- 16.5 Table Interface
- 16.6 ColumnCollection Interface
- 16.7 Column Interface
- Section 17. CsiDatalogger Control
- 17.1 Datalogger Interface
- 17.1.1 Properties
- Datalogger.clockBusy
- Name
- Description
- COM Return Values
- Datalogger.loggerConnected
- Datalogger.loggerName
- Datalogger.manualPollBusy
- Datalogger.programReceiveBusy
- Datalogger.programSendBusy
- Datalogger.selectiveManualPollBusy
- Datalogger.serverConnected
- Datalogger.serverLogonName
- Datalogger.serverLogonPassword
- Datalogger.serverName
- Datalogger.serverPort
- Datalogger.clockBusy
- 17.1.2 Methods
- Datalogger.clockCancel()
- Name
- Description
- COM Return Values
- Datalogger.clockCheckStart()
- Datalogger.clockSetStart()
- Datalogger.loggerConnectCancel()
- Datalogger.loggerConnectStart()
- Datalogger.manualPollCancel()
- Datalogger.manualPollStart()
- Datalogger.programReceiveCancel()
- Datalogger.programReceiveStart()
- Datalogger.programSendCancel()
- Datalogger.programSendStart()
- Datalogger.selectiveManualPollCancel
- Datalogger.selectiveManualPollStart
- Datalogger.serverConnect()
- Datalogger.serverDisconnect()
- Datalogger.clockCancel()
- 17.1.3 Events
- Datalogger_onClockComplete()
- Name
- Parameters
- COM Return Values
- Datalogger_onLoggerConnectFailure()
- Datalogger_onLoggerConnectStarted()
- Datalogger_onManualPollComplete()
- Datalogger_onProgramCompiled()
- Datalogger_onProgramReceiveComplete()
- Datalogger_onProgramReceiveProgress()
- Datalogger_onProgramSendComplete()
- Datalogger_onProgramSendProgress()
- Datalogger_onProgramSent()
- Datalogger_onSelectiveManualPollComplete()
- Datalogger_onServerConnectFailure()
- Datalogger_onServerConnectStarted()
- Datalogger_onClockComplete()
- 17.1.1 Properties
- 17.1 Datalogger Interface
- Section 18. CsiDataSource Control
- 18.1 DSource Interface
- 18.1.1 Properties
- 18.1.2 Methods
- 18.1.3 Events
- 18.2 Advisor Interface
- 18.2.1 Properties
- Advisor.advisorName
- 18.2.2 Methods
- 18.2.1 Properties
- 18.3 DataColumnCollection Interface
- 18.4 DataColumn Interface
- 18.5 Record Interface
- 18.6 RecordCollection
- 18.7 Value Interface
- 18.1 DSource Interface
- Section 19. CsiLogMonitor Control
- 19.1 LogMonitor Interface
- 19.1.1 Properties
- 19.1.2 Methods
- 19.1.3 Events
- 19.1 LogMonitor Interface
- Appendix A. Server and Device
Operational Statistics Tables
- A.1 Device History Statistics
- A.2 Device Standard Statistics
- A.2.1 Communication Enabled
- A.2.2 Average Error Rate
- A.2.3 Total Retries
- A.2.4 Total Failures
- A.2.5 Total Attempts
- A.2.6 Communication Status
- A.2.7 Last Clock Check
- A.2.8 Last Clock Set
- A.2.9 Last Clock Difference
- A.2.10 Collection Enabled
- A.2.11 Last Data Collection
- A.2.12 Next Data Collection
- A.2.13 Last Collect Attempt
- A.2.14 Collection State
- A.2.15 Values in Last Collection
- A.2.16 Values to Collect
- A.2.17 Values in Holes
- A.2.18 Values in Uncollectable Holes
- A.2.19 Line State
- A.2.20 Polling Active
- A.2.21 FS1 to Collect
- A.2.22 FS1 Collected
- A.2.23 FS2 to Collect
- A.2.24 FS2 Collected
- A.2.25 Logger Ver
- A.2.26 Watchdog Err
- A.2.27 Prog Overrun
- A.2.28 Mem Code
- A.2.29 Collect Retries
- A.2.30 Low Voltage Stopped Count
- A.2.31 Low Five Volts Error Count
- A.2.32 Lithium Battery Voltage
- A.2.33 Table Definitions State
- A.3 Server Statistics
- Campbell Scientific Contact Information