HP XP Continuous Access Software User Manual
Page 7

Two BC mirror configuration 319
Three-host BC configuration 321
Device group configuration 323
HA Failover and failback 325
Using RAID Manager in HA environments 326
HA control script state transitions 326
Failback after SVOL-SMPL takeover 330
PVOL-PSUE takeover 335
S-VOL data consistency function 343
Takeover-switch function 346
Swap-takeover function 348
SVOL-takeover function 350
PVOL-takeover function 352
Recovery procedures of HA system configuration 353
Regression and recovery of CA 356
CA recovery procedures 357
Fibre Channel addressing 359
Fibre Channel address conversions 360
Porting notice for MPE/iX 367
Porting notice for MPE/iX 368
Introduction 368
Restrictions in the current release 368
Known issues and concerns 371
MPE/iX startup procedures 373
Porting notice for OpenVMS 377
Porting notice for OpenVMS 378
Introduction 378
Requirements and restrictions 378
Known issues and concerns 385
DCL command examples 391
Startup procedures on bash 396