HP XP Continuous Access Software User Manual
Page 240

HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP RAID Manager: User’s Guide
Disables the target volumes from writing. The volumes
cannot be used as an S-VOL or written by a host.
Disables the target volumes so they cannot become an
S-VOL. Read and Write operations from hosts are still
Specifies the data retention time, in days. If [rtime] is
not specified, then the data retention time never expires.
Disk array microcode versions 21-06-xx and 21-07-xx
ignore this option and always set the retention time to
never expire.
If [rtime] is not specified, then the default time defined
by the microcode version will be used. The default time
is “infinite” in microcode version 21-06-xx or
21-07-xx. The default time is “zero” in microcode
version 21-08-xx.
Returned values
Return values in exit() allow you to check execution results from a user
program. Normal termination returns 0.
This example sets the volumes for the oralog group as redolog file prior to
raidvchkset –g oralog –vt redo8
This example sets the volumes for the oradat group as data file, where the
Oracle block size is 8 kilobytes.
raidvchkset –g oradat –vt data8 –vs 16
This example sets to the volumes for the oradat group as data file, where
the Oracle block size is 16 kilobytes.
raidvchkset –g oradat –vt data8 –vs 32
This example disables all volume checking for the oralog group.
raidvchkset –g oralog –vt