Teledyne LeCroy BTTracer_Trainer - BTTrainer Users Manual User Manual
Page 36

User’s Manual
Local Device Manager
LMP Version: The Current Link Manager Protocol version (VersNr) in the
BTTrainer hardware. Can be 0 (Bluetooth LMP 1.0), 1 (Bluetooth LMP 1.1), or
2-255 (reserved for future use)
Manufacturer Name: The name of the company (CompID) that created the LMP
LMP Subversion: The Current Link Manager Protocol subversion in the BTTrainer
• Connection_Accept_Timeout —The value of the Connection_Accept_Timeout parame-
ter, which specifies the amount of time that BTTrainer will wait to to accept a connec-
tion after sending a connection request.
• Page_Timeout — The value of the Page_Reply_Timeout parameter, which specifies the
amount of time that BTTrainer will wait for a response to a connection request before
returning a connection failure.
• Page_Scan_Period_Mode — The value of the mandatory Page_Scan_Period_Mode
parameter, which specifies the value for the T_mandatory_pscan timer. Possible values:
0x00: PO
0x01: P1
0x02: P2
0x03–0xFF: Reserved
• Page_Scan_Mode — The value of the Page_Scan_Mode parameter, which is the default
page scan mode for BTTrainer. Possible values:
0x00: Mandatory Page Scan Mode
0x01: Optional Page Scan Mode I
0x02: Optional Page Scan Mode II
0x03: Optional Page Scan Mode III
0x04–0xFF: Reserved
• PIN_Type — The PIN type specified in the BTTrainer host controller. Possible values:
0x00: Variable PIN
0x01: Fixed PIN
• Authentication_Enable — The value of the Authentication_Enable parameter, which
specifies whether BTTrainer will try to authenticate a remote device at connection
setup. Possible values:
0x00: Authentication disabled
0x01: Authentication enabled for all connections
0x02–0xFF: Reserved
• Encryption_Mode — The value of the Encryption_Mode parameter, which specifies
whether BTTrainer requires encryption for connections with remote devices. Possible