9 receiving data, 1 gcf from serial devices – Guralp Systems CMG-DCM build <10,000 User Manual
Page 97

Operator's Guide
9 Receiving Data
The modular architecture of Platinum software allows seismic data to
be received simultaneously from a number of sources and using a
number of protocols, as discussed in section 1.3 on page 10. Extra
protocols can be implemented by request: please contact Güralp
Systems Ltd for more details.
At the time of writing, Platinum firmware is shipped with support for
CD1.1, Güralp Compressed Format (GCF) data received over serial
ports, GCF data received over a network using the Block Recovery
Protocol (BRP) and GCF data forwarded from a copy of Scream!
The use of CD1.1 is covered in a separate manual, MAN-EAM-1100.
The use of the other receivers is described in this section.
9.1 GCF from serial devices
Any or all of the serial ports may be configured to receive GCF data
from a serially attached digitiser or digital instrument.
To configure a port for this purpose, select “Serial ports” from the
“Configuration” → “All options” menu or select the “Serial ports”
short-cut from the Configuration” → “Data transfer/recording” menu.
To configure a physical network interface from the command line,
start gconfig and select “Serial ports” from the top level menu.
The following screen appears:
November 2010