Guralp Systems CMG-DCM build <10,000 User Manual
Page 152

CMG-EAM (Platinum Firmware)
11.6.1 Configurable parameters in standard mode
The User description of the service should be set to a meaningful
name for the data that it will send. The User label can be set to
distinguish this instance from others in the log files. The sender can be
enabled or disabled at boot-up using the Enable check-box or deleted
entirely by selecting the Delete check-box.
The WIN transmitter can be configured to be either a TCP server to
multiple clients, or a UDP sender to a single address. If you want to
sent the data to multiple clients, set up the CMG-EAM as a TCP server
and the remote machines as clients that connect to it.
To configure the sender as a TCP server, select “TCP server accepting
multiple clients” from the Protocol drop-down list. To use a specific
IP address to listen for requests from clients, set this in the Hostname
box. By default it will listen on all interfaces. Set the port that you
want the server to listen on in the Service box.
Issue C