2 connecting to the network port – Guralp Systems CMG-DCM build <10,000 User Manual
Page 17

Operator's Guide
from which they are being accessed. The terminal type is stored in an
environment variable called TERM, which is queried with the
eam999 ~ # echo $TERM
eam999 ~ #
(note the use of the $ sign when accessing the value of this variable)
and set with the command
eam999 ~ #: export TERM=vt100
No spaces should be used around the '=' sign.
The CMG-EAM is aware of around thirty different terminal types and
uses the “terminfo” system to support them (so you can add your own
types, if you need). Files describing each terminal type are stored
under the directory (folder) /usr/share/terminfo in sub-
directories named after the initial letter of the terminal name.
Some settings for specific applications are:
SSH under Unix, or puTTY under Windows (running in SSH
mode): no action required - the SSH protocol sets the TERM
environment variable automatically.
Minicom under Unix: no change. Minicom emulates a vt100-
style terminal and automatically maps the keystrokes and
display sequences for the actual terminal you are using, so the
default TERM setting of vt100 is correct.
HyperTerminal under Windows: choose the File menu option
“Settings”, and ensure that the terminal type is set to VT100.
HyperTerminal will then emulate a vt100-style terminal, which
will match the default TERM of vt100 on the CMG-EAM.
These settings will provide the best results for the listed applications.
Note that when connecting with SSH from, for example, an xterm
window, use of the mouse for menu navigation is supported.
2.2 Connecting to the network port
To use the network port, you must first set up a network address.
Some networks use the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
to automatically assign network addresses; others need manual
configuration (normally referred to as “static” addressing). Before you
November 2010