Guralp Systems CMG-DCM build <10,000 User Manual
Page 8

CMG-EAM (Platinum Firmware)
1.1 A Note on Terminology
Güralp Systems Ltd are aware that various common technical terms
have acquired subtly different meanings for different audiences. The
following terms are used consistently within this document and are
intended to have the meanings given below:
1.1.1 Sensor
By “sensor”, we mean a seismometer
(accelerometer or velocimeter) or other
transducing instrument (e.g. geophone or
hydrophone) with analogue outputs - i.e. where a
continuously varying voltage is used to represent
the magnitude of the quantity being measured.
An example of a sensor is the CMG-3T true
broadband seismometer, depicted on the right in
standard configuration.
1.1.2 Digitiser
By “digitiser”, we mean an electronic device designed
to accept analogue inputs from one or more sensors
and, using sampling techniques, convert these
analogue signals into streams of numerical data,
which are then stored or transmitted digitally.
An example of a digitiser is the
CMG-DM24 shown on the right in
standard form and, on the left,
packaged for borehole operation.
Issue C