4 güralp seismic monitoring system – Guralp Systems CMG-DCM build <10,000 User Manual
Page 145

Operator's Guide
11.4 Güralp Seismic Monitoring System
GSMS is a protocol designed by Güralp Systems to send real time, low
latency strong motion data.
To configure a GSMS server from the web interface, select “System
services” from the “Configuration” → “All options” menu or select the
“Services” short-cut from the “Data transfer/recording” menu. To
configure a GSMS server from the command line, start gconfig and
select “System services” from the top level menu.
Now select “gsms-out -- GSMS sender” from the System Services
menu. The next screen shows a list of all GCF Scream server instances
that have been configured:
You can reconfigure any existing service by clicking on its menu entry.
To configure a new GSMS server, select “Create service instance”. The
following screen allows you to configure the parameters of the server.
11.4.1 Configurable parameters in standard mode
The name of the server should be set to a meaningful name for the data
that it will serve by populating the User description text field. The
optional User Label text field can be filled in with a name which will
then be used to identify this instance in log files.
The server can be enabled or disabled at boot-up using the Enable
check-box or deleted entirely by selecting the Delete check-box.
To configure the server to listen for incoming data requests only on a
specific IP address, set this (or the associated host name) in the Bind
host text field. By default it will listen on all configured interfaces.
Set the port (port number or service name) that you want the server to
listen on in the Service Port text field.
November 2010