5 configuring the ssh server – Guralp Systems CMG-DCM build <10,000 User Manual
Page 67

Operator's Guide
6.4.1 Configurable parameters
The Enable MTA check-box is used to control whether the mail
transfer agent is started automatically at boot time. If this check-box is
left clear, the MTA can still be started manually from the services
menu (see section 13.2.4 on page 181).
Most email configurations use a “smart host” to route mail. This can
greatly simplify the administration: only one node on a network, the
smart host, needs to be configured to know about any intricacies of the
system and all other machines need only know the location of the
smart host. If the Smart host text field is populated with the name or
address of of such a host, all mail is sent directly to that host for
further routing. If this field is left blank, the MTA will attempt to use
DNS to discover the mail host(s) for any given address and then
deliver mail directly.
The optional Mail host identity text field specifies the hostname from
which outgoing emails should appear to originate. If this field is left
blank, the real hostname is used.
The Postmaster alias text field allows you to specify the address to
which all internally generated mail should be sent: This should be set
to the email address of the CMG-EAM's administrator.
6.5 Configuring the SSH Server
The CMG-EAM has an ssh server running on its Ethernet port which
allows remote terminal access.
November 2010