Guralp Systems CMG-DCM build <10,000 User Manual
Page 47

Operator's Guide
If you are upgrading a CMG-DCM, CMG-DAS or CMG-EAM,
connect the adapter cable to the USB socket of the unit and
plug the firmware pod into the adapter cable;
If you are upgrading a CMG-NAM, plug the firmware pod
directly into a USB socket on the unit. Please note that,
depending on the internal cable layout of your NAM, it may
be necessary to connect the firmware pod to a USB port on
the back of the device (near the network socket) rather than
to one on its front panel.
The upgrade procedure consists of either three or four steps:
1. CMG-EAM hardware only: power up the USB ports;
2. Connect the firmware pod;
3. Mount the filesystem; then
4. Run the upgrade.
Each of these steps is now described in detail:
Power up the USB ports
This step only needs to be carried out on CMG-EAM hardware. The
hardware for CMG-DCMs, CMG-NAMs and CMG-DAS units do not
have control over the 5V USB supply and, on these units, power is
always provided to the USB ports.
Depending on the revision of CMG-EAM firmware installed before the
upgrade, there are three possible commands for powering up the USB
Ignoring any error messages, enter these commands at the terminal:
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/USBpowerB/level
ioline -L USBA_power -o 1
ioline -L USBB_power -o 1
November 2010
Note: Using the wrong command is completely harmless and
merely results in an error message, so it is easiest - and perfectly
safe - to simply enter all three commands at the terminal