Guralp Systems CMG-DCM build <10,000 User Manual
Page 165

Operator's Guide
If the CMG-EAM has multiple IP addresses, the GSTM server can be
constrained to listen on only one of them by entering its address in the
“Bind host” field. If this field is left empty, the server will listen on all
available IP addresses.
In the “Service port” field, enter the service name or port number on
which you want the server instance to listen. If you are configuring
multiple server instances, each needs a unique service/port. The
service name to port number mapping is stored in the standard Linux
file /etc/services, which can be edited from the command line.
The server is capable of generating TCP keep-alive packets in order to
defeat any automatic “disconnect on idle” mechanisms which may be
present on the link. Tick the “TCP keepalive” check-box to enable this
Like the GSTM client, the GSTM server also generates watchdog
packets to monitor for link failure. These may also be more effective at
maintaining a link than TCP keep-alives because some network
devices automatically block and/or spoof keep-alive packets.
Watchdog packets are sent after a certain amount of time when the
link appears to be idle and at regular intervals thereafter until traffic is
detected. This time interval can be configured by entering an integer
value, in seconds, in the “Watchdog interval” field.
November 2010