2 configurable parameters in expert mode – Guralp Systems CMG-DCM build <10,000 User Manual
Page 103

Operator's Guide
9.2.2 Configurable parameters in expert mode
Additional options appear on this screen when in expert mode:
It may sometimes be desirable, for debugging purposes, to separate log
messages for this input from the standard system log. The Log file text
field can be populated with a path name which will then be used for
dedicated logging. If left blank, logging occurs (via the standard Linux
syslog facility) to /var/log/messages.
The Log level drop-down menu controls the level of detail present in
log messages, whether to syslog or to a dedicated log file. Not all of the
standard syslog logging levels are available. The menu offers a choice
(in order of decreasing detail) of:
Debugging information;
Informational messages;
Important notices; or
The GCF input subsystem keeps its own audit log, independent from
the system log. The contents of this log are available using the “GCF
Audit Log viewer” facility as described in 13.3.2 on page 182. The
amount of data retained is controlled by the Audit log size drop-down
menu, whose choices are:
64Kib (small);
November 2010