Guralp Systems CMG-DCM build <10,000 User Manual
Page 75

Operator's Guide
In “Simple server” mode, the CMG-EAM listens for incoming TCP
connections and, should it receive one that matches its configured
rules, accepts the connection and begins copying data between the
serial port and the TCP connection.
The CMG-EAM can be configured to only listen on particular
addresses and ports, to only accept connections from certain addresses
or blocks of addresses and to reject connections from certain addresses
or blocks of addresses.
In “Simple client mode”, the CMG-EAM will connect to an external
TCP server on a particular address and port and then copy data
bidirectionally between the serial port and the network port.
To configure the converter, select “Serial Ports” in the configuration
menu, then choose the required port. Set the function to “tcp serial
converter”, select the baud rate, and save the settings. You can then
use the “TCP serial converter settings” button at the bottom of the page
to configure the converter.
The converter's configuration page allows you to choose the mode at
the top (“Operation mode”). The other options on the page are only
required in certain modes; see below for which modes require which
6.7.1 Simple server mode
In Simple server mode, the converter opens the serial port and creates
a TCP server socket. Whenever a client connects to the socket, the
converter reads raw data from the serial port and writes it to the client,
and reads raw data from the client and writes it to the serial port. The
November 2010