Guralp Systems CMG-DCM build <10,000 User Manual
Page 13

Operator's Guide
1.4.4 Resilient Networking
Platinum firmware includes a number of ways to implement network
resilience. For example, the GSTM protocol (for communication
between Platinum units) allows data to be routed over a low-cost but
unreliable DSL network with automatic switch-over to a higher-cost
satellite link only when the DSL network is unavailable. The failed
link is regularly retried and, when communication is re-established,
the data are re-routed back to the lower cost link.
It is also possible to use data filtering (by channel name and/or sample
rate) in such a way that, should it become necessary to use the higher-
cost link, only high priority data (e.g. samples resulting from an
activated trigger) are sent across this link while lower priority data are
enqueued until the low-cost link becomes available again.
November 2010