Guralp Systems CMG-DCM build <10,000 User Manual
Page 153

Operator's Guide
If you only want to send the data to a single UDP server, select “UDP
datagrams sent to specified address” from the Protocol drop-down list.
Configure the remote machine's hostname or IP address in the
Hostname box and set the port number that the remote machine will
listen on in the Service box.
The WIN sender will buffer up data before it is sent so that outgoing
packets have a second's worth of data from all channels. If no data is
received from some channels within a certain time limit, the data from
other channels will be transmitted anyway. This limit is specified by
the value in the Max delay field and defaults to five seconds. If a
packet in construction exceeds the size specified by Early transmit
size this packet will also be sent early.
The WIN Format uses the local time in order to time-stamp packets.
The offset of the local time-zone from UTC used in the GCF data is
specified in the UTC Offset box.
The final table specifies the mapping from GDI channel names to WIN
channel numbers.
If the form is submitted when the table is full, extra blank rows will be
added when the form is redrawn. Existing entries in this table can be
deleted by ticking the Delete check-box and submitting the form.
November 2010
Note: Previous versions of the firmware required this mapping
to be entered in SEED notation but this is no longer the case.