Guralp Systems CMG-DCM build <10,000 User Manual
Page 114

CMG-EAM (Platinum Firmware)
The File name format text field allows files to be given descriptive
names to help identify the data within. Escape sequences can be used
to include variable data such as the stream name: the available escape
sequences are described in section 10.2.3 on page 115. A hierarchical
directory structure can be created by incorporating forward-slash
characters, '/', into the name: these act as directory separators.
The GCF compressor drop-down menu allows the operator to select
which instance of gdi2gcf is used as the data source. The menu will
offer all configured instances.
The third set of expert-mode options, shown above, apply only to
miniSEED recording.
The Fill threshold text field allows control over the percentage
utilisation of the buffer memory which triggers a flush to disk. The
default is fifty percent.
The Directory format text field can be used to control the base
directory under which all miniSEED files are stored. It can be
populated with a constant path name component or it can include
escape sequences to include variable data such as the stream name:
these are described in section 10.2.3 on page 115.
The File name format text field allows files to be given descriptive
names to help identify the data within. Escape sequences can be used
to include variable data such as the stream name: the available escape
sequences are described in section 10.2.3 on page 115. A hierarchical
directory structure can be created by incorporating forward-slash
characters, '/', into the name: these act as directory separators.
Issue C